How it Works
Decision Guidance
A decision guide works with you one-on-one or in a small group to learn as much as possible about the problem you are struggling with, and the goal or endstate you would like to see. We then use one or more structured analytical techniques with you to help find a solution that works best for you. Depending on the complexity of the problem, this could take several hours to several days.
Decision Facilitation
Decision facilitation works best with a team of four-to-ten(ish) people working on a problem, when the team has the knowledge but needs help organising and focusing to solve the problem. For this, the facilitator will initially work with you to gather information on the problem, then will help your team work through one or more structured creativity or analytical techniques to elicit and sort ideas, then generate and select from possible solutions. Where a guide is more hands-on when generating a solution with you, facilitation typically provides the framework, environment, and tools for your team to generate its own solutions to the problem. Facilitation will typically occur over several days; a few hours for an initial consultation to discuss the problem, then one or more days to generate solutions.
Training and Coaching
Training and coaching are a good option for your team when you’re not trying to solve an immediate problem, but want to prepare your team to confidently handle future problems. Training introduces your team to the concepts, skills, and tools they can use to tackle future problems, and may give them initial hands-on practice using the tools under supervision.
We see coaching as an ongoing process to help on-the-job application of the concepts, skills, and tools learned in training. As a coach, we would meet periodically with your team – for example, once every two-to-four weeks – to set tasks and evaluate the application and results to solidify their newly-learned skills into lasting habits.
While training is conducted over a specific number of hours or days, coaching can last as long as you see value in it – typically until you are confident your team has developed and internalised the habits you want them to continue on the job.